G7 Future of Seas and Oceans Initiative

Outcomes of G7 Summit for Ocean Action

G7 Summit Cornwall 2021

At the G7 2021 Summit, G7 leaders agreed on commitments to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, and tackle deforestation, marine litter and illegal wildlife trade.


During the Summit in Cornwall from 11 to 13 June, the eight G7 members came together and agreed a shared G7 Nature Compact. This is a key agreement to address the most urgent international and interconnected challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change. The G7 leaders, including the President of the European Commission also agreed to review progress against the Nature Compact to ensure delivery of its 2030 objectives.

G7 Nature Compact

Pillar 3 of the G7 Nature Compact commits leaders to support and drive the protection, conservation and restoration of ecosystems critical to halt and reverse biodiversity loss and tackle climate change, such as supporting the target to conserve or protect at least 30% of global land and at least 30% of the global ocean by the end of the decade. It recognises the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and endorses the G7 Ocean Decade Navigation Plan to drive developments in transformational ocean science to protect and advance our sustainable relationship with the ocean. This includes convening scientific and policy experts to discuss the carbon absorption function of the ocean to advance targeted and effective ocean action.

To take the ocean actions forward, the G7 FSOI national focal points will meet at the end of June to review areas of joint activity and agree on implementation of the G7 Ocean Navigation Plan spotlight activities. Click here for more information.

For more information on the G7 Nature Compact and outcomes of the G7 2021 Summit, click here.