G7 Future of Seas and Ocean Initiative

G7 Climate and Environment Ministerial: Ocean Action

G7 communique May 2021

The G7 Ministers responsible for Climate and Environment and the European Commission, met virtually on 20 -21 May 2021 in preparation for the G7 summit in June. The communiqué released after the meeting, highlights the G7’s commitment to ocean action, building on the outcomes of previous G7 presidencies and fully aligned with the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for sustainable development (2021-2030). The Ministers also welcomed the discussions of the Expanded Future of the Seas and Oceans Working Group and endorsed the G7 Ocean Decade Navigation Plan, which establishes a framework for joint action under the UN Ocean Decade.

The communiqué reiterates the G7’s support for the G7 FSOI programme of activities, including the sharing of best practices, working towards the development of a digital twin ocean and net zero oceanographic capability, and evaluating global ocean indicator frameworks.

To read the communiqué from the G7 Climate and Environment Ministerial in May 2021, click here.

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