G7 Future of Seas and Ocean Initiative

G7 Science and Technology Ministers endorse G7 FSOI efforts

The G7 Science and Technology Ministers met from 12 to 14 May 2023 in Sendai, Japan. Under the main theme “Achieving an open and evolving research ecosystem based on trust“, the Ministers released the G7 Science and Technology Ministers’ Communique on 13 May 2023 (available here).

In their joint declaration, the G7 highlight the necessity of international cooperation in science and technology for a better understanding of the functions of the seas and the Ocean in the context of climate change and other anthropogenic stressors.

Since the Ocean is continuous and interconnected, it is critical to work internationally and cooperatively to address geographic and temporal data gaps and missing types of ocean measurements. Understanding these data and enabling evidence-based actions are imperative to the health and sustainable use of the Ocean in a changing climate.

Consequently, the G7 endorses efforts by the G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative (G7 FSOI) working group, which aim to better understand the ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus, and to sustain and enhance the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS).

In order to understand, monitor, and predict the Ocean comprehensively as one global system, it is essential to enhance observations of physical, biogeochemical, and ecological ocean properties and their interactions with socio-economic systems in data-gap areas including both polar and deep seas. We commit to continuing to conduct and improve comprehensive ocean observations, including utilization of research and survey vessels, Argo floats, moorings, satellites, and other ocean observation platforms based on international collaboration and coordination. Furthermore, it is necessary to improve the exploitation of both observations and modelling by steadily developing the Digital Twins of the Ocean so that actionable value-added monitoring and forecast information can be shared.

The G7 recognize the vulnerability of the Arctic and Antarctic regions, significantly affected by climate change and support international cooperation in the field of Polar research.

Observations can be strengthened by capitalizing on technological developments, sharing various data, and developing human resources and capacity through international observation platforms such as Arctic and Antarctic research vessels. Arctic research should be done in partnership and collaboration with Indigenous Peoples, with long term research relationships built on trust, respect, and mutual interest.

The G7 also continues to support the implementation of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).

We also encourage the FSOI Working Group to develop concrete strategies based on policy papers such as the “G7 Ocean Decade Navigation Plan” and the “G7 Ocean Deal” so that the G7 can connect science to policy, translate knowledge into action, pursue and implement innovative science-based solutions to ocean challenges and develop sustainable ocean ecosystems and a blue economy.

For the full G7 Science Ministerial 2023 communiqué, click here.

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