G7 Future of Seas and Ocean Initiative

In 2016, the G7 Ministers agreed to take an ambitious approach to tackling ocean issues, and developed the Future of the Seas and Ocean Initiative with 5 Main Action Areas:

Observing system

Support the development of a global initiative for an enhanced, global, sustained sea and ocean observing system.

Assesments and reporting

Support an enhanced system of ocean assessment through the UN Regular Process for global reporting and assessment of the state of the marine environment.

Data sharing infrastructure

Promote the improvement of global data sharing infrastructure to address the challenges of physical, chemical and biological data.

regional observing capacity

Strengthen collaborative approaches to encourage the development of regional observing capabilities and knowledge networks.

political cooperation

Promote increased G7 political cooperation by identifying additional actions needed to enhance future routine ocean observations.


All Action Areas

G7 Science and Technology Ministers’ Meeting 2024 Communiqué

The G7 Science and Technology Ministers, under the Italian Presidency convened in Bologna and Forlì, Italy, from 9 to 11 July 2024 to discuss the ...
Observing System (Action Area 1)

Workshop on Marine Research Infrastructures integration and harmonization

Research Infrastructures (RIs) are large-scale facilities that include instruments, resources, data, and services used by scientists for research in their respective fields. Marine RIs consist ...

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