G7 Future of Seas and Ocean Initiative

Topics on Watch for 2023

The following topics will be discussed at the Working Group meetings if new developments arise requiring deliberation among G7 Members. These topics may be addressed as time allows by inviting representatives of these programmes or the G7 Members leading the topic to give a presentation at the Working Group meeting;

Net Zero Carbon Emissions Oceanographic Capability

The watching group will maintain an overview of any developments by G7 Members in this area, particularly on observing innovations driven by net-zero carbon emissions ambitions.

Observing System Evaluation Framework

This watching group will stay informed of any progress and items for discussion on observing system evaluation carried out by the new Ocean Decade Observing System Co-Design programme.

Governance, Coordination, and Sustained Funding for the Observing System

The GOOS Governance Task Team will be exploring how to strengthen the overall governance of GOOS including connections to national programmes. This watching group will continue to share information about any developments or changes in national coordination and funding of sustained observations (e.g., development of national ocean observing systems or coordination structures, etc.). 

World Ocean Assessment

The Working Group found value in updates on the World Ocean Assessment process. This watching group will stay informed of progress with the World Ocean Assessment process and will raise any issues requiring discussion with the Working Group.

See the categories of topics of the new work plan for 2023