G7 Future of Seas and Ocean Initiative

Launch of Global BGC-Argo Fleet Workshop

On 4 May, the G7 FSOI co-sponsored international workshop, ‘The Global Biogeochemical Argo Fleet: Knowledge to Action’ was launched, marking the beginning of a month-long series of workshops that will highlight the latest scientific advances and showcase the range of applications possible from a global data-stream of the Biogeochemical-Argo array in fisheries, carbon budget verification, and environmental forecasting. Maria Hood, head of the EU Office of the G7 FSOI Coordination Centre, opened the first session by highlighting the G7 FSOI priorities for augmenting the in situ observing system, particularly for biological and ecosystem variables, and noted that support for the Global BGC Argo array has been a joint priority for coordinated investment among the G7 members since 2017. She introduced the G7 FSOI national focal points who addressed the conference, outlining their plans, commitments, and expectations for the array for the coming decade.

The sessions of the workshop will take place every Tuesday in May, with focuses fisheries and fisheries management (May 11), carbon budget verification (May 18), and Biogeochemical modelling, data assimilation and forecasting (May 25). The conference will wrap up on 1 June with high-level perspectives and a panel discussion from representatives of government agencies and ministries across the G7.

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