G7 Future of Seas and Ocean Initiative

G7 Ocean Decade Navigation Plan Workshop Report

In May 2021, the G7 Environment Ministers adopted the G7 Ocean Decade Navigation Plan to collaborate and advance collective work on ocean science, ocean observing, and ocean action throughout the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. In June, the Navigation Plan was adopted by the G7 leaders as part of the G7 2030 Nature Compact.

The first workshop of the G7 Ocean Decade Navigation Plan was held in December 2021, hosted by the UK Government, and attended by G7 representatives and delegates from the G7 national Decade committees, the IOC of UNESCO coordinating the Ocean Decade, and the G7 FSOI Coordination Centre.

Meeting participants discussed G7 national priority actions for the Ocean Decade, areas where the G7 might add unique value to ocean science and actions of the Decade, and how the coordination structures of the Ocean Decade and the G7 might cooperate to take this forward. 

The workshop identified several common areas of interest where G7 members might add significant value to activities by providing resources and leverage to enhance the development of ocean science. Areas that will be further explored for collaboration by the G7 included:

  1. Biodiversity Conservation and Marine Protection
  2. the Climate-Ocean Nexus,
  3. Global Ocean observing,
  4. Digital Twin Ocean Capability,
  5. Marine Litter and Pollution, and
  6. the Arctic.

The G7 members commended and strongly supported the work and coordination activities of the FSOI Coordination Centre, expressing a wish for these to continue and expand. The UK, via the UK Office of the FSOI Coordination Centre, will scope out how the FSOI could be evolved to support broader coordination for the G7 on the UN Ocean Decade, in close collaboration with the IOC-UNESCO and Decade Coordination Unit.

To access the executive summary of the workshop report, click here.

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